The Allegory of the Cave



My name is Tamarah I’m am 35yrs old. This is my introduction to the screen play The Allegory of the Cave. From the young age of 3 we’ve been prisoners to the Cave .It’s myself and four others  their names are Nicole, Davisha and Jonie and NeNe the cry baby.


Part one

 As  the fire kindles behind us we can feel the heat that rises daily. We often see shadows wondering  what they can be is it birds fling on the wall some days we think eagles there so big bigger than mine and others heads. We see things falling almost as if its water or something  is it the birds falling leaves falling the sounds where loud rough scary where they monsters bears our parents coming to rescue us.  


Part two

At about  the age of 27yrs we were finally set free from cave as we crawled out of cave we had  forgotten how to walk so we crawled out following each other yelling for one another for help we were blinded by the light it was so bright we couldn’t see our eyes stayed closed for about 3 hours hearing more scary sounds we didn’t know what to do say or think we just held each other tightly. When we finally was able to see we seen what seemed to me to be giants other people really tall weeds  giant bats n birds I hear loud noises I’ve never heard before I was even more of a prisoner to the free than to the cave at this point.  


Part three

We held on to each other the entire night. When morning came Nicole decided to leave us and go off on her own into the giant world that surrounded us, she was the bravest of us all as it seemed. Davisha was quite scared she cried the entire night claiming she couldn’t do it (leave the cave) I tried to comfort her but it didn’t work she also left in the morning however she returned to the cave she just felt she couldn’t adjust to the big world outside of the cave. The rest of us just sat there wondering what we were going to do for food and drink hoping someone or something would help us or feed us , we were really still just in shock to the whole ordeal and how was our lives going to be from here on out. I, Jonie and NeNe where just hanging on to each other at this point we really had no clue where to go from here. What were we to do?