Kyle     Mutters

 More projects MIGH



To start this all off I would like for you to know a little bit of where I’m from.

Im from Houston,Tx  was born and raised here for the whole 21  yrs. and something months of my life I’ve had numorus amout of problems that I’ve had to make sever changes in my life, the difference is that I had been threw this all before I  just had a major slip up. And now I have my wonderful son Nahtan on the way into this world I want to teach him an enourmous amout of things, especially how to avoid these certin situations and just keep him away from this life-style period I grew up on the nw. side of Houston 290 area and I’ts not all cracked up to be id rather have been in the sub-burb area and a nerd than to have encounter these things but I thank god for every amout of knowledge he has implied in my life I most certainly do learn from my mistakes and this Is most certainly one thing I don’t want to come back to or my son thinking ohh I’ma jail bird or even seeing me in here. I wouldn’t know what to say unless when he gets older I be completely blunt and straight forward with him and be like yea I had mishabs I messed up but I’ve corrected my mistakes and did something different with my life.

There is this most wonderfulest woman in the world that I’ve ever met she we are high school sweet hearts and she took my breath away the first time I’ve ever layed eyes on her the most beautifulist woman I’ve ever seen entered my life and she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me . 5 yrs. We have been in deep love every moment I look at her I get the chills because I know there is soo much love between us we’ve had our up’s and downs  and been threw a lot but that’s only made our relationship stronger I love her more than anything in the world and now we are having a lil creature lol our baby boy Nathan Anthony Mutters im proud and blessed to call you my boo my babe our family I love u babe cristy aka my buthead she has helped me termendiously in my life twards becoming a better person shes been there when no one was threw bad times and good and I thank you for that babe I love you.
