Verse One

You think this is funny,

Then why are you laughing?

You think it’s a game,

It’s just a distraction.

Stop pleading your case,

For someone’s compassion.

It’s right in your face,

But won’t see it happen.



It hurts the worst ‘cause you did it to yourself.

There’s no one else for you to point the blame.

It hurts the worst ‘cause there is no turning back.

So face the facts you can’t escape the pain.


Verse Two

You should’ve known better,

We’ve been through this before.

You had it so easy,

It won’t be anymore.

There’s no second chances,

You’ve closed too many doors.

You thought it won’t matter,

Watch out for what’s in store.



It hurts the worst ‘cause you did it to yourself.

There’s no one else for you to point the blame.

It hurts the worst ‘cause there is no turning back.

So face the facts you can’t escape the pain.



You’ve put years into something that’s given you nothing.

You’ve put years into something that’s given you


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