Home about hcso migh


The song                    the lyrics




For starters this is the free soap they provide you with until you buy commissary and buy your own body wash & shampoo.


This is the cereal we receive for breakfast.

Breakfast is served at 2:30 am



This is our County made coffee holder!


This is our title on our preprinted envelopes

that we use to mail our letters.


This is our commissary list. It consists of candy, chips, meats, tortillas, sodas, shoes, paper, hygiene, etc. The prices are outrageous however without commissary jail sucks. A Hershey’s Candy bar is $1.45+tax.


These are the phones we have to contact our loved ones. In order for our family & friends to accept calls at a low cost they have to create a Securus account. If not they pay $14.99 for one call that only lasts 20 minutes.


This right here is the mini toothbrush and off brand toothpaste they provide us with.



The FOOD they serve us! L

 (2000 calories)





This is what we call coffee shots!!!




My fellow Inmate, Shaw, & I




These are my Canvas Shoes!

I Customized them myself. J

(off-brand vans)


My fellow Inmate, Shaw, & I