Goals in 2015

religion   freedom  MIGH


Dear Readers,

        Thank You for visiting my page.  Hello, my name is Marlon Sims.  I was born in Houston, Texas on January 2, 1978. My life has had several ups and downs.  Unfortunately I am currently going through another stint of incarceration, which was not a goal of mine when I was growing up.  As a boy I had high expectations for my life, and didn’t assume I would constantly have to start over because of coming to jail.  However, during this time of incarceration I did a lot of soul searching and realize my priorities were not in order any more.  Through this web page I am emphasizing on the things that have importance in my life and dedicating my time in an all out effort to accomplish my goals.  First, is a rededication to Christ because without him nothing is possible.  Secondly, I have to eradicate things from my life that has contributed to this sorrow, such as alcohol abuse.  Next, would be to establish full independence by obtaining employment, so I can provide for myself and uplift my self-esteem.  Afterwards,  focusing on being a better role model and parent to my precious 10 year old daughter Abria.  Lastly, continuing my education by pursuing my Bachelors Degree is something I have a high desire to accomplish.  By owning up to my past, letting it go, and looking to my future with confidence these goals are obtainable.  I hope and pray that my end can be fulfilling and joyous.

