Our Basic Computer Literacy Program is usually taught in two or three weekly sessions of three hours each.
Language of instruction: Spanish or English depending on the group needs
Location: MIGH Community Learning Center (CLC) located at MIGH office or a School Computer Laboratory or other MIGH partner.
Schedule: The hosting organization sets own schedule. At MIGH lab we offer classes on weekends.
Class size: Maximum of 25 adults.
Pre-requisites: Person's proven ability to read/write and commitment to progress.
Individual Investment per course: Only $600.00
Book/materials: If the school or a company or other organization is paying for the course, each student only has to pay MIGH $50.00 manual and USB/flash drive.
MIGH Instructors: MIGH paid, trained, capable, and polite on-site instructor.
On-line Tutor: MIGH trained person providing individual feedback assistance.