The Mexican Institute of Greater Houston (MIGH) is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, founded in 1991, registered in the State of Texas that has been “Changing Lives for a Better Tomorrow” among members of different minority groups, mostly the Hispanic community.




"To Enrich the Lives of Hispanics through Education”.  We provide Basic Computer Technology courses to help Hispanics and other adults develop to be the leaders of family advancement.  MIGH focus is on parents as the key figures of family progress.  A distinctive and positive impact MIGH produces is the improvement of the educational attainment of parents, elevating  their social and economic viability.




“To become the region's premier collaborator in delivering Computer Technology Educational Services for our underserved Hispanic families and other minorities”.




To help Hispanic, Asian and African American parents and other minority adults- through education – to develop into effective leaders of their families and their communities, as well as better skilled members of the work force.


Acomplished Milestones


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