My name is Fabrell M. Golden. I am 21
years old. This is my second encounter here in the Harris county facility. I am
incarcerated for violation of probation for a case that I caught in June of
2012. I violated my probation by absconding my probation officer for about
14months. I am now awaiting my jail sentence. During my stay I am now here
enrolled into a computer program called the Mexican Institute of Greater
Houston (MIGH) it is a great program that allows me to extend my knowledge
using computers. I actually do enjoy theses classed, Ms. G have showed me a lot
of thing that I didn’t know before. This is a 6 week class. Taking this class
also allows me to receive jail credit. I am not making this life lesson a
repeat however as of this time I can actually say that I enjoying doing my time
as of now. I’ve learned so much here, that I can take out into the free world.