Adrian Garcia, Sheriff of Harris County, has a refreshing view of the programs offered in his jails.


Not only does Sheriff Garcia support a robust chaplaincy program with hundreds of volunteers and several classes, he also supports many programs for rehabilitation of inmates that are a first of their kind.


With the aid of many wonderful community organizations, like MIGH, and charities coupled with funding obtained through the commissary purchases of inmates, The Harris County Jail, under the leadership of Adrian Garcia, offers re-entry programs to qualified inmates who desire to make lasting changes while incarcerated.













Through programs like “Mentoring Moms” and “Been There; Done That” inmates are able to receive life skills classes, guidance, recovery coaching and mentoring.


Not only do they have access to these resources while they are incarcerated, they are given access to these resources and required to create a release plan that will give them everything they need to reintegrate into society upon their release.


By partnering with organizations such as Volunteers of America, The Mexican Institute of Greater Houston, Santa Maria, Goodwill FEXO, Pathway to Recovery and many other wonderful organizations inmates are given unique opportunities to learn the skills they will need upon their release.


The newest class offered was a computer literacy class offered by The Mexican Institute of Greater Houston.


This class will enable these women to effectively navigate through programs like Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint, some of the most widely used programs in offices today.


Upon completion the students will also be able to easily fill out applications online during their job search, monitor their children’s use of the internet and aid their children in homework assignments that they weren’t able to help with before.